You have landed on this page, probably after a frantic search for a good and detailed description of the proprietary FBus Protocol used by Nokia to communicate with the Nokia Mobiles. In particular, this page is to provide a detailed description of the FBus Protocol used for communicating between a Low-end Nokia mobile and a PC or a Microcontroller.
Here the words Low-end means low cost or cheap versions of Nokia handsets like Nokia-1200, Nokia-1208, Nokia-1209, Nokia-1600, Nokia-2600 etc. This information may also be helpful for interfacing medium range mobiles like the Nokia-6030, et. al. In all, you will find that all the models referred above contains a Pop-Port at the bottom of the handset, which is nothing but an extension of the FBus Port, meant for Service Access at the Nokia Service Centers.
Over several web-pages in the Net, you would have read about interfacing the good-old Nokia-3310 which used FBus Protocol Version-1. Every web-page refers this very old mobile which was totally outdated more than six years back.
Yet there are some projects like the GNokii and the Gammu which have dedicated sites for handling the later models like the Nokia-1100 which makes use of the FBus Protocol Version-2. Not sufficient though. Reason being these too are outdated.
The need of the hour is a good description of the latest Nokia FBus Protocol Version-3 so that you can create SMS based Security Alert Systems, SMS based Industrial Telemetry Systems, SMS based Industrial Automation Systems, Home Automation Systems, Secure Remote Control Systems, Cellphone based Surveillance Systems, Cellphone based Monitoring Systems and the like.
In this blog, you will find a perfect solution for your Cellphone or SMS related Automation Projects.
The contents in this blog will be updated frequently. So, keep checking frequently for changes or updates in these pages.
You may contact me at the following Email-ID for urgent informations:
Subject Line: FBus
Welcome again for sharing the Latest Nokia FBus Protocol Version-3.
Here the words Low-end means low cost or cheap versions of Nokia handsets like Nokia-1200, Nokia-1208, Nokia-1209, Nokia-1600, Nokia-2600 etc. This information may also be helpful for interfacing medium range mobiles like the Nokia-6030, et. al. In all, you will find that all the models referred above contains a Pop-Port at the bottom of the handset, which is nothing but an extension of the FBus Port, meant for Service Access at the Nokia Service Centers.
Over several web-pages in the Net, you would have read about interfacing the good-old Nokia-3310 which used FBus Protocol Version-1. Every web-page refers this very old mobile which was totally outdated more than six years back.
Yet there are some projects like the GNokii and the Gammu which have dedicated sites for handling the later models like the Nokia-1100 which makes use of the FBus Protocol Version-2. Not sufficient though. Reason being these too are outdated.
The need of the hour is a good description of the latest Nokia FBus Protocol Version-3 so that you can create SMS based Security Alert Systems, SMS based Industrial Telemetry Systems, SMS based Industrial Automation Systems, Home Automation Systems, Secure Remote Control Systems, Cellphone based Surveillance Systems, Cellphone based Monitoring Systems and the like.
In this blog, you will find a perfect solution for your Cellphone or SMS related Automation Projects.
The contents in this blog will be updated frequently. So, keep checking frequently for changes or updates in these pages.
You may contact me at the following Email-ID for urgent informations:
Subject Line: FBus
Welcome again for sharing the Latest Nokia FBus Protocol Version-3.
Eagerly awaiting for you to post more details
Sent you notes on your email too
I Need more information for FBus Protocol
No one says nothing about this subject, strange, very strange.
I went to the end of internet and so far I have found anything about Fbus V3.´
Will it be a mith?
Will it exists?
Will it be so secret as the matrix?
So far I can only receive Power On and Power off frames, what i need was to receive and send SMS, but until now I have no luck,
I will post later, what I got, waiting for others to do the same, and in that way we make some light in this obscure comunication protocol.
See you later!!!
hello i like your topic
BSIT student here, from the Philippines. I'm Planning to use the FBus for my thesis, is there any source code needed in this project?
I am working on a similar project: http://ka23.blogspot.com/ maybe this helps someone. Does anybody have some more informations on the fbus version 3 command set?
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